Why Obama fans should be Ducks fans

Both for my own amusement and because I believe it, I am presenting the following list of why all Obama supporters should be Oregon Ducks fans  This list is meant in satire and I apologize in advance to those I may offend/attack (read: Michigan, Washington, USC, Notre Dame and perhaps Oregon State fans).  Cross-posted from Loaded Orygun: http://www.loadedorygun.net/showDiary.do?diaryId=1222

10: Just like Obama, Oregon is always underrated.  No one ever expects us to be good.  In fact, over the last ten years, Oregon is the third most underrated football team in the country, ranking, on average 32.5 spots higher in the final poll of the season than in the pre-season poll.

9: Oregon, like Obama, takes pride in changing the status quo.  Fifteen years ago, no one had heard of Oregon sports, now we are among the best in the country in both football and basketball.  Unlike say Notre Dame, which seems to rest largely on its own past performances.

8: Oregon, like Obama, is an offensive-minded team.  Lead by Dennis Dixon, for example, Oregon’s spread offense last season was among the best in the country.  Just see this play again Michigan as evidence:

7: Oregon, like Obama, is thought of by its detractors as more than a little corny.  While in Obama’s case it is the slogan “Change you can believe in”, in Oregon’s case it is our uniforms, as seen below:

Ducks Uniforms.

6: Even as our opponents cheat, in Obama’s case McCain, in our case, Washington and USC, both Oregon and Obama refuse to do so.  Both of us win regardless, which should be respected.

5: Both Oregon and Obama get smeared as being part of a subversive plot.  While for Obama it is the fake Muslim smear, in Oregon’s it is the accusation that because Phil Knight gives a lot of money to the athletic department he essentially runs it.  Both are untrue and both Oregon and Obama rise above it.

4: Both Oregon and Obama face opponents who don’t know when to quit.  Oregon’s rival Oregon State refuses to accept that it is never going to fully catch-up to the Ducks, especially in basketball, while Hillary took a good long time before quitting.  Even when they have lost, there are some in both cases, that refuse to admit it.

3: Neither Oregon nor Obama stand by and takes sh-t from anybody.  Just like Obama quickly responds to smears leveled against him, Oregon’s mascot last year beat the crap out of Houston’s mascot when it appeared to show the Duck up.  Just watch and you’ll see what I mean:

2: The Yell-O chant Ducks fans do at games can be used for Obama as well.  In fact, it was used during both of Obama’s Eugene rallies this fall.  See an example of it in the video below the next item.

1: Both Oregon and Obama draw large very enthusiastic crowds.  Oregon’s are considered some of the loudest and best in all of college sports, just as Obama’s are in the political arena.  See below for an example (the students are doing the “Yell-O” I mention in the last point):

Let me know what you think.

11 thoughts on “Why Obama fans should be Ducks fans”

  1. I assumed that I was in for an Anaheim Ducks post — at which point I was ready to barf all over my keyboard.

  2. Like the Ducks, Obama is good at recruiting the right people on his team. David Axelrod is Obama’s Mike Belloti and Dick Durbin is Obama’s Phil Knight. Go Ducks Go.

  3. It’s all about UCLA and USC, not Oregon.  We’re the Trojans’ rivals, not the Ducks.  We’re the ones who had to deal with those nauseating Bush/Leinart ’04 t-shirts Trojan fans wore en masse four years ago, in the same font as the Bush/Cheney ’04 re-election logo.

    And UCLA graduates were responsible for integrating baseball (Jackie Robinson), basketball (Don Barksdale), football (Kenny Washington), and tennis (Arthur Ashe).  If you want to talk about Obama’s historic candidacy, a natural parallel is what UCLA did in moving society forward.  John Wooden had black starters on his basketball teams decades before some teams in the South got their first black player.

    And for all the talk of Obama’s strength on the Internet, hmm, let’s see, where was the Internet primarily invented?  Why, at UCLA!

    So please, we don’t need campaign drama like your basketball team is going through.  Can’t wait for Malik Hairston to “Carmeloize” the NBA!

    Oh, and the biggest problem?  Bush actually had a shot at winning your state in 2000.  No such luck in California.  We knew better than to go for that idiot.  Oh, you finally decided to join us “blue” states?  Congrats.  ðŸ™‚

    Just remember. UCLA: Champions Made Here.  That commercial’s already out of date, as we have 103 NCAA titles now.  I believe Oregon has… 14.

    BTW, we also have the hottest cheerleaders.

    And our theater graduates have created one of the best online TV shows around.

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